Welding & Construction Supplies, Industrial, Medical & Specialty Gases

Serving Long Island & the 5 boroughs of NY with professionalism, integrity, and a personal touch.

For over 20 years, Tri Weld Industries’ daily focus is providing each customer, regardless of size, with respect and courtesy. With client diversity ranging from construction & demolition, to welding & fabricating, as well as laser, specialty, & medical gases, our experienced and knowledgeable staff is always ready to meet and exceed your expectations in customer service.

The Personal Touch:
Tri Weld prides itself on a “human feel” and “hands-on” approach in all aspects of its operations. Our owners and senior management are available to any customer at any time. Our sales representatives are always on call, often servicing customers during vacations! And our dispatch and service departments are available to assist you at any time during weekday business hours. We feel that a Tri Weld customer should never have to wait for an answer, nor ever be denied the opportunity able to speak to a decision maker while our doors are open.